M.Sc. Georg Fischer
- Research Associate
- Remote Handling and Logistics under Extreme Boundary Conditions
+49 721 608 48669
+49 721 608 48629
georg fischer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut für Fördertechnik und Logistiksysteme
Geb. 50.38 Gotthard-Franz-Str. 8
76131 Karlsruhe
- DONES – DEMO Oriented Neutron Source
- Simulation of the material flow and maintenance logistics - DEMO - DEMOnstration Power Plant
- Simulation of the material flow and maintenance logistics
since 2017 |
Institute for Material Handling and Logistics (IFL) Research Associate
2016-2017 |
Institute for Material Handling and Logistics (IFL)
Master`s thesis: „Analysis of blocking effects of a shuttle based storage and retrieval system with a tote lift“
2015 |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science an Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea
Abroad study
2014-2017 |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Study of mechanical engineering (M.Sc.)
2013-2014 |
FAS FörderAnlagen Systeme GmbH
Bachelor`s thesis in design
2013 |
BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., Shenyang, China
Internship in the area of factory planning
2012 |
University of Limerick (UL), Limerick, Ireland
Abroad study
2010-2014 |
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
Study of mechanical engineering (B.Eng.)
- Elements and Systems of Technical Logistics
- Elements and Systems of Technical Logistics and Project Thesis
Thesis topics
- Click here for a list of currently available topics.
- You are interested in one of my research topics but there is no open thesis right now? Don’t hesitate to contact me via email.
Unified Description, Cycle Time Models and Optimization of a Double-Deep Shuttle-Based Storage and Retrieval System with Two Differently Sized Unit Loads. PhD dissertation
Fischer, G.
2024, April 19. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000169839
Fischer, G.
2024, April 19. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000169839
Material flow planning in fusion test facilities
Lehmann, T.; Fischer, G.; Rauscher, F.; Köhler, S.; Arranz, F.
2024. Fusion Engineering and Design, 202, Art.Nr.: 114412. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2024.114412
Lehmann, T.; Fischer, G.; Rauscher, F.; Köhler, S.; Arranz, F.
2024. Fusion Engineering and Design, 202, Art.Nr.: 114412. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2024.114412
Creation of a Development Platform for Remote Maintenance Solutions in Fusion Power Plants
Hall, S.; Hora, M.; Fischer, G.; Köhler, S.; Rauscher, F.; Lehmann, T.; Oellerich, J.; Crofts, O.; Torrance, M.; Drumm, B.
2024. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 52 (9), 3462–3467. doi:10.1109/TPS.2024.3359278
Hall, S.; Hora, M.; Fischer, G.; Köhler, S.; Rauscher, F.; Lehmann, T.; Oellerich, J.; Crofts, O.; Torrance, M.; Drumm, B.
2024. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 52 (9), 3462–3467. doi:10.1109/TPS.2024.3359278
Logistics and maintenance research activities for DONES facility
Arranz, F.; Lehmann, T.; Rauscher, F.; Fischer, G.; Koehler, S.; Garrido, J.; Rouret, M.; Sanchez-Herranz, D.
2023. Fusion Engineering and Design, 192, Art.-Nr.: 113630. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2023.113630
Arranz, F.; Lehmann, T.; Rauscher, F.; Fischer, G.; Koehler, S.; Garrido, J.; Rouret, M.; Sanchez-Herranz, D.
2023. Fusion Engineering and Design, 192, Art.-Nr.: 113630. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2023.113630
Paletten-Shuttle-Lager: Dynamik und Wechselwirkung auf den Regalbau [Pallet Shuttle Systems: Dynamics and interaction with the rack]
Padhy, M.; Fischer, G.; Mittwollen, M.; Weber, S.; Milushev, V.
2022. Logistics Journal, 2022 (18). doi:10.2195/lj_proc_padhy_de_202211_01
Padhy, M.; Fischer, G.; Mittwollen, M.; Weber, S.; Milushev, V.
2022. Logistics Journal, 2022 (18). doi:10.2195/lj_proc_padhy_de_202211_01
EU DEMO Remote Maintenance System development during the Pre-Concept Design Phase
Crofts, O.; Loving, A.; Torrance, M.; Budden, S.; Drumm, B.; Tremethick, T.; Chauvin, D.; Siuko, M.; Brace, W.; Milushev, V.; Mittwollen, M.; Lehmann, T.; Rauscher, F.; Fischer, G.; Pagani, P.; Wang, Y.; Baars, C.; Vale, A.
2022. Fusion Engineering and Design, 179, Art.-Nr. 113121. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2022.113121
Crofts, O.; Loving, A.; Torrance, M.; Budden, S.; Drumm, B.; Tremethick, T.; Chauvin, D.; Siuko, M.; Brace, W.; Milushev, V.; Mittwollen, M.; Lehmann, T.; Rauscher, F.; Fischer, G.; Pagani, P.; Wang, Y.; Baars, C.; Vale, A.
2022. Fusion Engineering and Design, 179, Art.-Nr. 113121. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2022.113121
A digital twin concept for the development of a DEMO maintenance logistics modelling tool
Rauscher, F.; Fischer, G.; Lehmann, T.; Zapata, J. J.; Pagani, P.; Loving, A.
2021. Fusion Engineering and Design, 168, Art.-Nr.: 112399. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2021.112399
Rauscher, F.; Fischer, G.; Lehmann, T.; Zapata, J. J.; Pagani, P.; Loving, A.
2021. Fusion Engineering and Design, 168, Art.-Nr.: 112399. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2021.112399
Modular transportation concept for application in DEMO Oriented Neutron Source (DONES)
Lehmann, T.; Rauscher, F.; Oellerich, J.; Fischer, G.; Zapata, J.
2021. Fusion engineering and design, 164, Article: 112199. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2020.112199
Lehmann, T.; Rauscher, F.; Oellerich, J.; Fischer, G.; Zapata, J.
2021. Fusion engineering and design, 164, Article: 112199. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2020.112199
Anomalous Nernst effect of a ferromagnetic film on a semiconductor
Deng, S.; Kraft, R.; Fischer, G.; Sürgers, C.
2020. Applied physics letters, 117 (26), 262402. doi:10.1063/5.0033683
Deng, S.; Kraft, R.; Fischer, G.; Sürgers, C.
2020. Applied physics letters, 117 (26), 262402. doi:10.1063/5.0033683
Anomalous Nernst effect in ferromagnetic Mn Ge C thin films on insulating sapphire
Kraft, R.; Srichandan, S.; Fischer, G.; Sürgers, C.
2020. Journal of applied physics, 128 (3), 033905. doi:10.1063/5.0014815
Kraft, R.; Srichandan, S.; Fischer, G.; Sürgers, C.
2020. Journal of applied physics, 128 (3), 033905. doi:10.1063/5.0014815
The remote handling system of IFMIF-DONES
Miccichè, G.; Ascott, M.; Bakic, A.; Bernardi, D.; Brenosa, J.; Coloma, S.; Crofts, O.; Di Gironimo, G.; Ferre, M.; Fischer, G.; Ibarra, A.; Karap, A.; Kiss, I. G.; Kunert, C.; Lorenzelli, L.; Mitchell, G.; Mittwollen, M.; Pagani, P.; Papa, S.; Porempovics, G.; Tadic, T.; Matyas, T.
2019. Fusion engineering and design, 146, 2786–2790. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.01.112
Miccichè, G.; Ascott, M.; Bakic, A.; Bernardi, D.; Brenosa, J.; Coloma, S.; Crofts, O.; Di Gironimo, G.; Ferre, M.; Fischer, G.; Ibarra, A.; Karap, A.; Kiss, I. G.; Kunert, C.; Lorenzelli, L.; Mitchell, G.; Mittwollen, M.; Pagani, P.; Papa, S.; Porempovics, G.; Tadic, T.; Matyas, T.
2019. Fusion engineering and design, 146, 2786–2790. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.01.112
A logistical simulation tool to quantitatively evaluate the effect of different maintenance solutions on the total maintenance downtime for fusion reactors
Pagani, P.; Fischer, G.; Farquhar, I.; Skilton, R.; Mittwollen, M.
2019. Fusion engineering and design, 141, 121–124. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.02.085
Pagani, P.; Fischer, G.; Farquhar, I.; Skilton, R.; Mittwollen, M.
2019. Fusion engineering and design, 141, 121–124. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.02.085
Maintenance logistics for IFMIF-DONES
Mittwollen, M.; Fischer, G.; Pagani, P.; Kunert, C.; Oellerich, J.; Lehmann, T.; Micciche, G.; Ibarra, A.
2019. Fusion engineering and design, 146 (B), 2743–2747. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.05.017
Mittwollen, M.; Fischer, G.; Pagani, P.; Kunert, C.; Oellerich, J.; Lehmann, T.; Micciche, G.; Ibarra, A.
2019. Fusion engineering and design, 146 (B), 2743–2747. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.05.017