Jan Oellrich

Dr.-Ing. Jan Oellerich

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Institut für Fördertechnik und Logistiksysteme
    Geb. 50.38 Gotthard-Franz-Str. 8
    76131 Karlsruhe

Research topics

  • Analytical modelling of a scalable crane bridge to identify dynamic characteristics
  • Structure optimization and algorithm development
  • Nonlinear optimization

Research and Projects


Since 2020

Team Leader - Materials Handling Technology


Research stay at Peter the Great Polytechnic University of Saint Petersburg (Russia)
Investigation of strategies for the segmentation of bridge crane systems
Supervision: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Pavlovic Manzhula

Since 2015

Institute for Material Handling and Logistics (IFL)
Research Associate


Technical University Darmstadt
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering


Siemens AG, Power Division
Optimization of tooling processes to round the base of turbine blades


General Electric, GE Transportation - Astana Kazakhstan
Organization of production process within the final assembling of locomotives

Thesis topics

  • Click here for a list of currently available topics.


Creation of a Development Platform for Remote Maintenance Solutions in Fusion Power Plants
Hall, S.; Hora, M.; Fischer, G.; Köhler, S.; Rauscher, F.; Lehmann, T.; Oellerich, J.; Crofts, O.; Torrance, M.; Drumm, B.
2024. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 52 (9), 3462–3467. doi:10.1109/TPS.2024.3359278
A Comprehensive Survey of Isocontouring Methods: Applications, Limitations and Perspectives
Büscher, K. J.; Degel, J. P.; Oellerich, J.
2024. Algorithms, 17 (2), Art.-Nr.: 83. doi:10.3390/a17020083
Unterirdischer Warentransport Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart - Machbarkeitsstudie
Dehdari, P.; Rauscher, F.; Walz, M.; Oellerich, J.; Furmans, K.; Heusser, M.; Unverfärth, K.; Seeger, C.
2023. KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000162868
Concept of Contamination Control Door for DEMO and Proof of Principle Design
Wang, Y.; Oellerich, J.; Baars, C.; Mittwollen, M.
2023. Journal of Nuclear Engineering, 4 (1), 228–240. doi:10.3390/jne4010018
Concept of Contamination Control Door for DEMO and Proof of Principle Design
Wang Y.; Baars, C.; Mittwollen, M.; Oellerich, J.; Madzharov, V.
2022. 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2022), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 18–23, 2022
Advanced design of the ITER core CXRS shutter and integration into the diagnostic shield module of the Upper Port Plug No. 3
Friese, S.; Mertens, P.; Mlynczak, K.; Krimmer, A.; Ivashov, I.; Linsmeier, C.; Ortmanns, T.; Offermanns, G.; Park, J. H.; Leichtle, D.; Mittwollen, M.; Oellerich, J.
2021. Fusion engineering and design, 168, Art.-Nr.: 112391. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2021.112391
Generating Synthetic Training Data for Assembly Processes
Dümmel, J.; Kostik, V.; Oellerich, J.
2021. Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2021, Nantes, France, September 5–9, 2021, Proceedings, Part IV. Ed.: A. Dolgui, 119–128, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-85910-7_13
Modular transportation concept for application in DEMO Oriented Neutron Source (DONES)
Lehmann, T.; Rauscher, F.; Oellerich, J.; Fischer, G.; Zapata, J.
2021. Fusion engineering and design, 164, Article: 112199. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2020.112199
Design status of the ITER core CXRS diagnostic setup
Krimmer, A.; Balboa, I.; Conway, N. J.; De Bock, M.; Friese, S.; Le Guern, F.; Hawkes, N. C.; Kampf, D.; Krasikov, Y.; Mertens, P.; Mittwollen, M.; Mlynczak, K.; Oellerich, J.; Szarvas, G.; Weinhorst, B.; Linsmeier, C.
2019. Fusion engineering and design, 146 (Part A), 228–231. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.12.026
Maintenance logistics for IFMIF-DONES
Mittwollen, M.; Fischer, G.; Pagani, P.; Kunert, C.; Oellerich, J.; Lehmann, T.; Micciche, G.; Ibarra, A.
2019. Fusion engineering and design, 146 (B), 2743–2747. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.05.017
Modellierung und Untersuchung eines segmentierten Fachwerksystems für Brückenkranträger
Oellerich, J.; Bolender, S.; Golder, M.; Furmans, K.
2018. Logistics journal / Proceedings, 2018, 8 S. doi:10.2195/lj_Proc_oellerich_de_201811_01
System zur reproduzierbaren, automatischen und sicheren Stapelung von Gitterboxen mit einem Brückenkran – KrasS
Bolender, S.; Oellerich, J.; Braun, M.; Golder, M.; Furmans, K.
2018. Logistics journal / Proceedings, 2018. doi:10.2195/lj_Proc_bolender_de_201811_01
Dezentrale mechanische Fördertechnik - modulare skalierbare Segmente eines Brückenkranträgers
Braun, M.; Bolender, S.; Oellerich, J.; Golder, M. O.
2018. Ingenieur-Spiegel, (3 / 2018), 38–39
Skalierbarer modularer Brückenkranträger in Segmentbauweise
Bolender, S.; Oellerich, J.; Braun, M.; Golder, M.
2017. Logistics journal / Proceedings, 1–8. doi:10.2195/lj_Proc_bolender_de_201710_01