Timo Lehmann, M. Sc.

Timo Lehmann, M. Sc.

  • Gotthard-Franz-Straße 8
    76131 Karlsruhe

Research topics

  • Travel time models for multi-deep automated storage and retrieval systems
  • Planning, simulation and optimization of transportation and material flow processes
  • Das perfekte Paket – like an AI playing tetris helps to save resources and CO2
  • PalettSequencer - Development of a high-density storage and sequencing system for the sequential provision of goods for large load carriers



since 2018

Institute for Material Handling and Logistics (IFL)
Research Associate


Institute of Economics (ECON)
Master’s thesis: "Connection of evaluation criteria oft he transport infrastructure projects in the Bundesverkehrswegeplan 2030 with a scoring model"


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Study of Industrial Engineering and Management (M.Sc.)


Edith Cowan University (ECU), Perth, Australia
Semester abroad


Institut for Operations Research (IOR)
Bachelor’s thesis: "Territory planning under incomplete coverage"


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Study of Industrial Engineering and Management (B.Sc.)

Thesis topics

  • Click here for a list of currently available topics.
  • You are interested in one of my research topics but there is no open thesis right now? Don’t hesitate to contact me via email.


Material flow planning in fusion test facilities
Lehmann, T.; Fischer, G.; Rauscher, F.; Köhler, S.; Arranz, F.
2024. Fusion Engineering and Design, 202, Art.Nr.: 114412. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2024.114412
Creation of a Development Platform for Remote Maintenance Solutions in Fusion Power Plants
Hall, S.; Hora, M.; Fischer, G.; Köhler, S.; Rauscher, F.; Lehmann, T.; Oellerich, J.; Crofts, O.; Torrance, M.; Drumm, B.
2024. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 52 (9), 3462–3467. doi:10.1109/TPS.2024.3359278
Logistics and maintenance research activities for DONES facility
Arranz, F.; Lehmann, T.; Rauscher, F.; Fischer, G.; Koehler, S.; Garrido, J.; Rouret, M.; Sanchez-Herranz, D.
2023. Fusion Engineering and Design, 192, Art.-Nr.: 113630. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2023.113630
Commissioning Plan of the IFMIF-DONES Accelerator
Podadera, I.; Aguilar, J.; Arranz, F.; Becerril-Jarque, S.; Bellan, L.; Bernardi, D.; Bolzon, B.; Cara, P.; Castellanos, J.; Chauvin, N.; Chel, S.; Duglue, D.; Dézsi, T.; Ferreira, M.; García, M.; Hauer, V.; Ibarra, A.; Jimenez-Rey, D.; Królas, W.; Lehmann, T.; Luque, M.; Macià, L.; Madur, A.; Maestre, J.; Martins, C.; Micciché, G.; Mollá, J.; Nitti, F. S.; Oliver, C.; Palmieri, A.; Pisent, A.; Prieto, C.; Qiu, Y.; Regidor, D.; Sanmartí, M.; Singh, B.; Sánchez-Herranz, D.; Torregrosa, C.; Weber, M.; Wiacek, U.; De La Morena, C.
2022. P. McIntosh, G. Burt, R. Apsimon & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), LINAC-22 31st International Linear Accelerator Conference : Liverpool, UK, 28.08. - 02.09.2022. Ed.: P. McIntosh, 330–333, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-LINAC2022-TUPOJO01
Travel time model for multi-deep automated storage and retrieval systems with different storage strategies
Lehmann, T.; Hußmann, J.
2022. International Journal of Production Research, 61 (16), 5676–5691. doi:10.1080/00207543.2022.2110536
EU DEMO Remote Maintenance System development during the Pre-Concept Design Phase
Crofts, O.; Loving, A.; Torrance, M.; Budden, S.; Drumm, B.; Tremethick, T.; Chauvin, D.; Siuko, M.; Brace, W.; Milushev, V.; Mittwollen, M.; Lehmann, T.; Rauscher, F.; Fischer, G.; Pagani, P.; Wang, Y.; Baars, C.; Vale, A.
2022. Fusion Engineering and Design, 179, Art.-Nr. 113121. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2022.113121
A digital twin concept for the development of a DEMO maintenance logistics modelling tool
Rauscher, F.; Fischer, G.; Lehmann, T.; Zapata, J. J.; Pagani, P.; Loving, A.
2021. Fusion Engineering and Design, 168, Art.-Nr.: 112399. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2021.112399
Modular transportation concept for application in DEMO Oriented Neutron Source (DONES)
Lehmann, T.; Rauscher, F.; Oellerich, J.; Fischer, G.; Zapata, J.
2021. Fusion engineering and design, 164, Article: 112199. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2020.112199
Betriebspunktuntersuchung des Lagerfüllgrads eines doppeltiefen automatischen Hochregallagers
Lehmann, T.; Knötgen, P.
2020. Logistics journal / Referierte Veröffentlichungen, 2020 (12)
Maintenance logistics for IFMIF-DONES
Mittwollen, M.; Fischer, G.; Pagani, P.; Kunert, C.; Oellerich, J.; Lehmann, T.; Micciche, G.; Ibarra, A.
2019. Fusion engineering and design, 146 (B), 2743–2747. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.05.017